Friday, May 28, 2010

The Best Week Ever

Yes, it has been the best week ever! Monday,started with a photo shoot me and another lady at worked planned, without the two key people who normally do it, since they were both out sick. Then I had to put out the minor fire of making nice with the corporate office of a major luxury car manufacturer after they sent over a $200,000 car for us to shoot with, only to have it determined that it was the wrong car (the talent had an agreement with another car company and couldn't be photographed with a competitor) and we couldn't use it. Needless to say, they were LIVID (they'd pulled people off vacation when the request came in on the Friday before and worked all weekend to get the car ready to shoot). Ahh, the industry life...

Tuesday I was just exhausted from planning the shoot all weekend--did I mention we did it without our art department since the two key people who usually handle that were out sick?! And I had to complete a project that should've been done three weeks ago! Of course, not all of the pieces were there, since two of the people who handle that part were out sick! (Did I mention this already?! It's a REALLY big deal in a small company, because there isn't a department with multiple people to pick up the slack when something like that happens--it just falls to the head/person in charge--which really means it falls to me!).

Then, Tuesday night Baby E woke up at midnight, pulled an all-nighter, refusing to go back to sleep until after 3 a.m. Needless to say I missed my CrossFit class Wednesday morning (I'd already missed Monday, since I had to get up at 5 a.m. to finish another project BEFORE the shoot...whew!). Wed. mid-morn, Baby E's daycare called to say her eye was looking red, just FYI. Then quickly followed up with an afternoon, post-nap call that there was green stuff coming out of her eye and she had to go...(yes, they do just kick your kids, her school is great, really...unless she has green stuff leaking from her eye sick...).

Anyway, we get home, get fed, bathed and ready for bed and all hell breaks loose (read about it here). We don't get to sleep until after 2 a.m., but I'm determined to get at least ONE workout in this week, so I get my workout clothes laid out, put my water bottle in the fridge and get ready to lay it down. Three hours later, I'm up, covered in baby vomit and all hopes of workout No. 3 are dashed. A 102.3 temp and doc office visit later, we are diagnosed, home, medicated, fed and manage to keep some Pedialyte down and...sleep (for her at least).

Yeah, this just may be the best week ever and I wouldn't complain about a thing.

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